MPO (+), NSE weakly + (25%)
CD33, 13, 117, 64 (+)
HLA-DR, CD34, 11a, 11b, 18, 15, 65 (-)
bcr3: CD34, 2 (+)
CD2: related to FLT3-ITD
CD56: expressed in 10% of APL cases, worse outcome
Acute promyelocytic leukemia. (A) Marrow film. Leukemic promyelocytes. Mononuclear cells with numerous cytoplasmic reddish granules. (B) Marrow film. Leukemic promyelocytes. Most cells have numerous cytoplasmic reddish-purple granules. Cells vary in nuclear cytoplasmic ratio ranging from high to intermediate. Note tendency of nuclei to take on shape characteristic of myelocyte or metamyelocyte, perhaps reflecting the desultory maturation that can be seen in this leukemia.
Hypogranular variant
許維軒 - high risk, CNS relapse