Which of the following is “not” a sign of accelerated erythropoiesis?

(A) An increase number if reticulocytes

(B) Polychromatophilia and fine basophilic stippling on blood smear

(C) Erythroblastosis

(D) Microcytosis

(E) A reduction in the myeloid to erythroid ratio in bone marrow

<aside> 💡 Heinz body can be found in


(1) G-6PD deficient anemia

(2) HbH disease

(3) Asplenic patient

(4) Hereditary spherocytosis

(A) 1+2+3

(B) 1+2+4

(C) 1+3+4

(D) 2+3+4

(E) 1+2+3+4


一位 30 歲孕婦因貧血來就診, 檢查結果為 Hemoglobin 11 gm/dl, MCV 65 fl, MCHC 25 pg, HbA 98%, HbA2 2%. 請問有哪些可能 ?