Flow-cytometric analysis of bone marrow aspirates at baseline shows predominant infiltration with CD19+CD5+ cells that were clonal, as assessed by means of immunoglobulin kappa light-chain staining, with a paucity of T cells. On day 31 after infusion, CD5+ T cells were present, and no normal or malignant B cells were detected. The numbers indicate the relative frequency of cells in each quadrant. Both the x axis and the y axis show a log10 scale. The gating strategy involved an initial gating on CD19+ and CD5+ cells in the boxes on the left, and the subsequent identification of immunoglobulin kappa and lambda expression on the CD19+CD5+ subset (boxes on the right).
Figure S3B. B cell aplasia and emergence of CD19 escape variant cells in CHOP-101. Flow cytometric analysis of bone marrow aspirates from CHOP-101 stained with anti-CD45, CD34 and CD19. In the bottom row, side scatter and the CD45 dim positive cells were used to identify leukemic cells that express variable amounts of CD34 and CD19 at baseline. Only CD19 negative blasts were detected on day 64. Numerical values in the top panel represent the fraction of the total leukocytes represented in each quadrant. Numerical values in the lower panel represent the percentage from the total leukocytes represented in the CD45dim/SS low gate
After a gating on live cells, the blast gate (CD45+ side scatter [SSC] low) was subgated on CD34+ cells, and histograms were generated for CD19 expression. The vertical line in each graph represents the threshold for the same gating on isotype controls.