
關於 fibrinogen/fibrin 的敘述,下列何者有誤 ?

(A) Fibrinogen 在 thrombin 作用下切除了 fibrinopeptide A 和 fibrinopeptide B 形成 fibrin monomer。

(B) Fibrin polymer 在 factor XIII 作用下形成 cross-linked fibrin。

(C) Plasmin 作用在 cross-linked fibrin上 才會產生 d-dimer。

(D) TAFI (thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor) is primarily activated by thrombin-thrombomodulin complex。

(E) TAFI 會移除 plasminogen fibrin C 端的 lysine residue,使其與 fibrin 無法結合,達到抑制 fibrinolysis 的效果。


(A) The normal platelet life span is 7-10 days.

(B) The primary mediator of platelet production is thrombopoietin (TPO), produced primarily by the megakaryocytes liver.

(C) Alpha-granules are the predominant platelet granules, containing coagulant proteins and platelet-specific proteins, such as fibrinogen, platelet factor 4, etc.

(D) Dense bodies contain a large reservoir of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and triphosphate (ATP).

(E) P2Y1 and P2Y12 are ADP receptors present in platelets and contribute to platelet aggregation.

Which statement on liver disease associated with impaired hemostasis is correct?

(1) The liver has a pivotal role in hemostasis by synthesizing all clotting factors including FVIII and VWF

(2) Global coagulation assay (thrombin generation and thromboelastography) shows promise for assessing bleeding risk and guiding therapy

(3) Thromboprotein receptor agonists were shown to increase the platelet count in cirrhotic patients undergoing invasive procedures without increase of thrombotic risk

(4) Platelet number and platelet function may both adversely affected by liver disease