Mast Cell Activation

Signs and Symptoms

Potential Triggers

ASM, aggressive systemic mastocytosis; ISM, indolent systemic mastocytosis; SM, systemic mastocytosis.

ASM, aggressive systemic mastocytosis; ISM, indolent systemic mastocytosis; SM, systemic mastocytosis.


c. Serum tryptase level may be <20 ng/mL or only transiently elevated.
e. Mast cell markers by flow cytometry immunophenotyping include CD117, CD25, and CD2. Immunohistochemistry markers include CD117, CD25, and tryptase. For both techniques, CD30 is optional.
f. Specific criteria have been established for primary and secondary MCAS. Primary MCAS has also been referred to as monoclonal mast cell activation syndrome (MMAS).
g. Hereditary alpha-tryptasemia is a multi-system disorder characterized by duplications and triplications in the TPSAB1 gene encoding a-tryptase associated with elevation of the basal serum tryptase level and symptoms including cutaneous flushing and pruritus, dysautonomia, functional gastrointestinal symptoms, chronic pain, and connective tissue abnormalities, including joint hypermobility.

c. Serum tryptase level may be <20 ng/mL or only transiently elevated. e. Mast cell markers by flow cytometry immunophenotyping include CD117, CD25, and CD2. Immunohistochemistry markers include CD117, CD25, and tryptase. For both techniques, CD30 is optional. f. Specific criteria have been established for primary and secondary MCAS. Primary MCAS has also been referred to as monoclonal mast cell activation syndrome (MMAS). g. Hereditary alpha-tryptasemia is a multi-system disorder characterized by duplications and triplications in the TPSAB1 gene encoding a-tryptase associated with elevation of the basal serum tryptase level and symptoms including cutaneous flushing and pruritus, dysautonomia, functional gastrointestinal symptoms, chronic pain, and connective tissue abnormalities, including joint hypermobility.



Cutaneous Mastocytosis (CM)

Systemic Mastocytosis (SM)

CD25 is the more sensitive marker, by both flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry.

CD25 is the more sensitive marker, by both flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry.