The biochemical basis of megaloblastic anaemia caused by vitamin B12 or folate deficiency. Folate is required in one of its coenzyme forms, 5,10‐methylene tetrahydrofolate (THF) polyglutamate, in the synthesis of thymidine monophosphate from its precursor deoxyuridine monophosphate. Vitamin B12 is needed to convert methyl THF, which enters the cells from plasma, to THF, from which polyglutamate forms of folate are synthesized. Dietary folates are all converted to methyl THF (a monoglutamate) by the small intestine.

The biochemical basis of megaloblastic anaemia caused by vitamin B12 or folate deficiency. Folate is required in one of its coenzyme forms, 5,10‐methylene tetrahydrofolate (THF) polyglutamate, in the synthesis of thymidine monophosphate from its precursor deoxyuridine monophosphate. Vitamin B12 is needed to convert methyl THF, which enters the cells from plasma, to THF, from which polyglutamate forms of folate are synthesized. Dietary folates are all converted to methyl THF (a monoglutamate) by the small intestine.


The absorption of dietary vitamin B12 after combination with intrinsic factor (IF), through the ileum. Folate absorption occurs through the duodenum and jejunum after conversion of all dietary forms to methyltetrahydrofolate (methyl THF).

The absorption of dietary vitamin B12 after combination with intrinsic factor (IF), through the ileum. Folate absorption occurs through the duodenum and jejunum after conversion of all dietary forms to methyltetrahydrofolate (methyl THF).

ado-cbl, 5′- deoxyadenosylcobalamin; HC, haptocorrin; also called TC I or transcobalamin I; IF, intrinsic factor; methyl-cbl, methylcobalamin; TC, transcobalamin; also called TC II.

ado-cbl, 5′- deoxyadenosylcobalamin; HC, haptocorrin; also called TC I or transcobalamin I; IF, intrinsic factor; methyl-cbl, methylcobalamin; TC, transcobalamin; also called TC II.

Macrocytosis, anisopoikilocytosis, a few polychromatophilic red blood cells with rare purple Cabot rings (panel A, arrow), and coarse basophilic stripling (panels B and C).

A, Pronormoblast and two normoblasts in normal bone marrow. B, Megaloblastic equivalent of the normal pronormoblast shown in picture A. C, Megaloblastic equivalents of the two smaller pronormoblasts shown in picture A. D, Red blood cells (RBC) in peripheral blood from three patients: (Left) Megaloblastic anemia (note oval macrocytes, anisocytosis, and poikilocytosis); (Middle) Normal blood smear (note size and uniformity of RBC); (Right) Liver disease (note macrocytic RBC with uniform size and shape, including target cells). E, Peripheral blood with early band forms from a patient with megaloblastic anemia; the cell on the left appears normal, and the cell on the right is larger, and its larger nucleus has “looser” chromatin. F, Megaloblastic peripheral blood smear with hypersegmented neutrophil at 3- o’clock.

A, Pronormoblast and two normoblasts in normal bone marrow. B, Megaloblastic equivalent of the normal pronormoblast shown in picture A. C, Megaloblastic equivalents of the two smaller pronormoblasts shown in picture A. D, Red blood cells (RBC) in peripheral blood from three patients: (Left) Megaloblastic anemia (note oval macrocytes, anisocytosis, and poikilocytosis); (Middle) Normal blood smear (note size and uniformity of RBC); (Right) Liver disease (note macrocytic RBC with uniform size and shape, including target cells). E, Peripheral blood with early band forms from a patient with megaloblastic anemia; the cell on the left appears normal, and the cell on the right is larger, and its larger nucleus has “looser” chromatin. F, Megaloblastic peripheral blood smear with hypersegmented neutrophil at 3- o’clock.

a. The sensitivity and specificity estimates (very good, >90%; good, 80%-90%; poor, <70%) apply only to clinically expressed cobalamin deficiency. They do not apply to subclinical cobalamin deficiency, in which sensitivity and specificity tend to be lower than in clinical deficiency, have usually been determined only against other biochemical tests, or are unknown.
b. The test is not widely available.
c. Testing has largely involved comparison with methylmalonic or other tests; data from clinical settings with matching against defined patients have been limited.
d. The discriminatory diagnostic power arises from including testing with vitamin additives in vitro.
Abbreviations: N, normal result; ND, not determined.

a. The sensitivity and specificity estimates (very good, >90%; good, 80%-90%; poor, <70%) apply only to clinically expressed cobalamin deficiency. They do not apply to subclinical cobalamin deficiency, in which sensitivity and specificity tend to be lower than in clinical deficiency, have usually been determined only against other biochemical tests, or are unknown. b. The test is not widely available. c. Testing has largely involved comparison with methylmalonic or other tests; data from clinical settings with matching against defined patients have been limited. d. The discriminatory diagnostic power arises from including testing with vitamin additives in vitro. Abbreviations: N, normal result; ND, not determined.

Differential Results of the Schilling Test in Several Diseases Associated with Cobalamin Malabsorption

b. Examples are polymorphisms causing mild elevations of MMA in a valine-related pathway (such as HIBCH) and mitochondrial depletion diseases (such as SUCLG1, which causes succinate CoA ligase deficiency).
c. Reduction of MMA levels has been described after antibiotic therapy in patients with bacterial contamination of the small bowel. The phenomenon has been attributed to propionate metabolism by bacteria.
d. The optimal cut point for MMA has not been defined. Laboratories and studies that use lower cut points than usual (eg, 210 nmol/L) identify greater numbers of subjects with “high” or “abnormal” levels.

b. Examples are polymorphisms causing mild elevations of MMA in a valine-related pathway (such as HIBCH) and mitochondrial depletion diseases (such as SUCLG1, which causes succinate CoA ligase deficiency). c. Reduction of MMA levels has been described after antibiotic therapy in patients with bacterial contamination of the small bowel. The phenomenon has been attributed to propionate metabolism by bacteria. d. The optimal cut point for MMA has not been defined. Laboratories and studies that use lower cut points than usual (eg, 210 nmol/L) identify greater numbers of subjects with “high” or “abnormal” levels.

a. Evidence of metabolically or clinically defined cobalamin deficiency or malabsorption has been found in only some cases in these categories.
b. Does not apply to postmenopausal hormone replacement. c. Frequencies of “low levels” depend greatly on cut-point selection, which is often arbitrary. The impact can be great; for example, the frequency of “low levels” increases 2-fold or more following the shift of the cobalamin cut point from 200 to 300 ng/L. HC, haptocorrin.

a. Evidence of metabolically or clinically defined cobalamin deficiency or malabsorption has been found in only some cases in these categories. b. Does not apply to postmenopausal hormone replacement. c. Frequencies of “low levels” depend greatly on cut-point selection, which is often arbitrary. The impact can be great; for example, the frequency of “low levels” increases 2-fold or more following the shift of the cobalamin cut point from 200 to 300 ng/L. HC, haptocorrin.

Vit B12 Deficiency