<aside> 💡 Which one of the following statements about megakaryocytes in NOT appropriate?
(A) When administered to animals or humans, TPO stimulate platelet production to levels tenfold higher than baseline, accompanied by surge of the peripheral blood red or white cells counts
(B) Mature megakaryocytes contain DNA content from 8 to 128 times the normal complement in a single, highly lobulated nucleus
(C) The cells are polyploidy rather than aneuploidy
(D) It is estimated that each megakaryocyte gives rise to 1000 to 5000 platelets before the residual nuclear material is engulfed and eliminated by marrow macrophages
(E) The uptake and degradation of TPO in circulation are determined by the mass of c Mpl receptors present on platelets and megakaryocytes
<aside> 💡 關於中性球內的 azurophilic granule 的敘述,下列何者最正確?
A. Primary granules 出現在 myelocyte stage
B. Secondary granules 出現在 promyelocyte stage
C. Primary secondary granules 皆屬於 lysosomal origin
D. Primary granules 內含有 collagenase, lactoferrin
E. Secondary granules 內含有 myeloperoxidase, acid hydrolases
Azurophilic or primary granules first appear in which stage of the following neutrophil development?
(A) Myeloblast
(B) Promyelocyte
(C) Myelocyte
(D) Metamyelocyte
(E) Band form