Aplastic Anemia
- Moderate aplastic anemia — The criteria for moderate AA include:
- Bone marrow cellularity <30 percent
- Absence of severe pancytopenia
- Depression of at least two of three blood elements below normal
- Severe aplastic anemia — The criteria for severe aplastic anemia (SAA) are:
- A bone marrow biopsy showing <25 percent of normal cellularity, or
- A bone marrow biopsy showing <50 percent normal cellularity in which fewer than 30 percent of the cells are hematopoietic and at least two of the following are present: absolute reticulocyte count <40,000/microL; absolute neutrophil count (ANC) <500/microL; or platelet count <20,000/microL.
- Very severe aplastic anemia — The patient is considered to have very severe aplastic anemia (vSAA) if the criteria for severe aplastic anemia are met and the ANC is <200/microL
Lugano Classification
Stage IIIE → stage IV
If PET (-) in DLBCL → BM bx (2.5cm)
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma - IPI
Follicular (FLIPI) (compared to IPI)
Hodgkins Disease